Interim Pastor

Dear Grace Lutheran Church and Community,

Your Interim Pastor Nominating Committee is very pleased to present new Interim Pastor, Retired Pastor Philip Norman Gustafson. Pastor Phil was approved and accepted on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. Pastor Phil is an ELCA Certified Coach (Level 1) and has worked with pastors in transition and will begin the process of assisting Grace through its transition on Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

Pastor Phil received his Master in Divinity in 1979 from The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA and was Ordained June 9, 1979 by Western PA-West VA Synod, LCA. From 1979 until 2020, Pastor Phil served 10 Parishes, first in the LCA and then ELCA. His last posting, as Interim Pastor, was at Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church, Sun City, AZ.

During his more than forty-three years of service, Pastor Phil has served the church beyond the congregation by being active in area ecumenical ministeriums. He has also served the Synod as Confirmation Camping; Synod Social Ministry Committee and Task Force for ministries to the unemployed (WPA-WVA Synod LCA); Evangelism Committee (New England Synod LCA & ELCA) and Region 7 Evangelism; Central States Synod Stewardship (storyteller) and Youth retreat planning; ELCA Youth Gatherings 1997; 2000; 2006; SWPA Synod Council; FCTE Mentor; Ministry Committee, Coaching Coordinator for Grand Canyon Synod.

Pastor Phil and his wife Sandy lives in Sun City, Arizona. His extended family includes children – eldest Philip James Gustafson (PJ) and his wife Heather and daughters Hannah and Audrey; second born Timothy Daniel Gustafson and his wife Rhea and daughter Elin and son Kellan; youngest is Britta Jacqueline Sheen and husband Andrew Sheen, daughters Carsyn and Eden and son Donald Andrew III (Drew)

Pastor Phil’s leisure activities include Golf, Chess, Fishing, Hiking, Reading, Storytelling and listening, and camping.

The Council is excited about Pastor Phil. We all look forward to strengthening and growing our church with his able guidance.

Grace Interim Pastor
Nominating Committee
Sheila Petry (Chair)
Fran Fry
Andrea Sigala
Roger Ark

Yours in Christ,

Sheila Petry

GLC Council President