Learn & Act: Voting Integrity

This Thursday, April 28 at 6:30-7:30 pm, join Phoenix Fusion congregations to learn and act in regards to voting rights.  There has been a lot of news lately in Arizona about legislation that would change how people vote, potentially impacting who is able to cast a ballot. Some of this legislation has passed, while other bills are still in process. As Lutherans, many of us feel that voting is a sacred right and that we have a calling to be civically engaged in supporting the common good—but with so much happening on this front, it can be hard to keep up or know how to make your voice heard.

In this virtual gathering, we will provide:

• up-to-date information on Arizona voting legislation

• details for getting in contact with your legislators and finding out where they stand

• live demonstrations and opportunities to take immediate action to let our lawmakers know how their Lutheran constituents feel about voting integrity

This is a great opportunity to form connections with others who care about these issues. Whether you are a seasoned activist or taking your first steps into civic engagement, we hope you’ll join us for an informative and energizing evening of learning and action.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81426122034?pwd=aXpYNTJJQWFxUWl0OGxZMmprWEZZQT09